Monday, 24 May 2010
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
I noticed a couple of years ago that all the different house groups in our church had very distinct cultures. One group played endless pranks on each other, ‘I love you lottery’ and facebook rape; one group pulled in masses of well mannered young ladies; another seemed overrun with extrovert guys. My group were thoughtful, fun, and a bit shy. Then I got it – each of these groups were just like the people leading them.
I think this is a phenomenon common to all leadership situations. Through whatever mysterious combination of means, every team/group/community/organisation ends up looking a bit like its leader.
I’ve only just realised the scary import of this idea. If every team ends up looking like its leader, King’s Care is going to end up looking like me!
A specific: I was pacing my room one morning, asking God to make instant supernatural healing happen at our Sunday drop in, and he put a pretty clear idea in my head by way of reply. I wrote this in my journal: “If the project is going to break through into doing this, you’re going to have to do it first.”Convicted.
Of course, this is exactly the picture the word ‘leadership’ conjures up: someone moving forward, someone following behind them. We instinctively despise people in positions of leadership who aren’t ‘leading by example’. Think of Melchett in Blackadder Goes Forth: “remember, brave Tommy, I’m right behind you.” “About 35 miles behind you,” says Mr B.
If I have any dreams I want to see become reality, any vision for how King’s Care could be different, I need to realise it myself in my own life before it will appear anywhere else.
I’ve been reading a book on revival. Obviously I wanted to know what we need to do to get another revival on our watch. And I was surprised to read that recent and Bible history show NOT that we need to get worried about the evil in the world around us; but that we need to get tough with the evil in the church, the evil in ourselves.
A national paper once published a series of essays on theme What is wrong with the world? A man called GK Chesterton (read his stuff) sent in his in the form of a letter:
“Dear Sirs, I am. Sincerely yours, GK Chesterton.”
Ghandi apparently said, ‘be the change you wish to see in the world.’ This stuff about leadership gives us hope that we might see the rest of the world change, too.
Conscious of the need to develop myself in order to develop King’s Care, I recently picked up a copy of the classic business book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Guess what? This whole inside-out leadership thing turned up again! The guy says you can’t do anything to make your staff more committed or your kids achieve better. They will see through any leadership techniques to the essential truth that you don’t really love them, just want them to perform better for you.
What you actually have to do is change yourself to love and accept them as they are, and they will feel encouraged to contribute all they uniquely have to offer. The point is, you change the world by changing yourself.
I’m not telling you to lead by example. You already do. I guess I just want to let you off the lead to explore. How can that example be a better one?Tuesday, 18 May 2010
I was having a classic in depth with my great friends Chris and Lorna, and we were coming to terms with the reality that despite all our intentions, efforts and talents to change the world for the better, ultimately the best we seemed to have achieved was just to stop it getting any worse... for the brief time we were involved. Lorna spent a couple of years caring for mentally ill teenagers locked up for committing horrific crimes. It nearly killed her.
As usual, this is exactly what Jesus says we should expect. He said that people who follow him will act as ‘the salt of the earth’, preserving it like meat from going off. He didn’t say we could make it fresh again. This is also echoed by the scientific law of ‘entropy’; everything is gradually inevitably always breaking down, unless dramatic efforts are made to stop it. You can see this in relationships, in society, in your own body... Which led me to the question, on Chris and Lorna’s sofa, Mumford and Sons admitting they’d really fucked it up this time, as to why there was any good left in the world at all?
Jesus once said, ‘what is impossible for men, is possible with God.’ And I remembered my history. In the 18th century Britain was on the verge of revolution. The Americans had done it in 1776, the French in 1789. It looked like we were next. But I read some historians say that we were kept from anarchy and bloodshed by a completely different sort of revolution: the evangelical revival. Famous for people like John Wesley (is a weatherman) and George Whitfield, the revival was a period of few years when millions of ordinary people in Britain stopped drinking their families’ money, stopped living hypocritical religious lives, followed Jesus, and as a result, completely changed the face of the country.
People who became Jesus-followers in that revival abolished the slave trade; pioneered massive social and democratic reforms in the UK, putting ahead of the rest of the world for a century; and built massive successful businesses like Cadbury and Guinness that nurtured their employees and made the British economy the most powerful in the world.
Do you think we need a revival like that again? Human trafficking and trade injustice today is at least as shocking as the slave trade then. 20% of the British population are cut off from the prosperity of the rest by a cocktail of addictions, depression, debt, family breakdown, and generational worklessness. And our economy is royally screwed.
I’m a realist. I don’t believe any government can sort out this mess. In fact, I don’t believe any people could at all. We need God to lay the smack down on our cynicism, selfishness, dishonesty and fear. To give us supernatural wisdom, skill and stamina (this is turning into Robot Wars). To so saturate our country with himself that the meat becomes fresh again, and everyone gets a chance to experience the joy of knowing Jesus.
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Episode III: I guess that survey wasn’t so quick, after all...
You’ll need to read the last one to follow this.
2nd bit: EQUALITY
Whether by making dismissive jokes about ‘chavs’, or wanting to help ‘poor africans’, we are so often guilty of assuming the poor are in some way lesser people than us. This may be because for some reason we equate worth with performance, or even more shockingly, simply with wealth. I remember looking down on other kids because their sports trousers had 2 stripes, not 3; and when our family was bankrupt, discovering tesco blue stripy crisps in my lunch and hiding them in my pocket while eating them so no one would know.
The Bible slams this poisonous belief into touch. Rich and poor, all of us are humans created by God (Proverbs 22.2, 29.13). The poor are ‘your brothers’ (Deuteronomy 15.7-12, Matthew 25.40). We have much to learn from the poor, because Jesus says that in some way they own ‘the kingdom of God’ (Matthew 5.3, Luke 6.20), and are rich in faith (James 2.5).
In fact, compared with God, we are all ‘poor’ (2 Corinthians 8.9, Revelation 3.17). Neither Satan nor God values rich or poor any differently (Revelation 13.16). God sees us all as we are, and values us by the state of our heart (e.g. 1 Samuel 16.7, Proverbs 21.2, Mark 12.41-44...) – not by our good choices or the make of our trainers.
If it’s true that the poor are of equal worth to all other people, we have to make some other interesting deductions. For example, both rich and poor are responsible for their wrong actions and attitudes (e.g. Exodus 30). Both worship idols and go against God (Isaiah 40.20). The poor may actually cause or worsen their own suffering through laziness (Proverbs 10.4, 20.13, 23.21). The Bible does not sentimentalise the poor like famine relief appeals.
The poor often have less chance to hear and know God’s way of doing things; but the rich have the chance and still are evil (Jeremiah 5.1-5). Evil actions and attitudes are not caused by poverty (as has been claimed by many, including Nelson Mandela). They are caused by our very humanity – all of us are powerless against their control (what the Bible calls ‘sin’), until Jesus sets us free (Ephesians 2.1-10 etc.)
Just as the poor are equally culpable for doing evil, they are equally capable of doing good - but their abilities are less recognised (Ecclesiastes 4.13, 9.15-16). God expects big things of them; obedience and sacrifice, including financial giving (Mark 12.41-44, Luke 21.1-4, 2 Corinthians 8-9). He expects them to work for their subsistence, not live off handouts – fair work for fair pay (Exodus 23, Leviticus 19.9-13, 23.22, Deuteronomy 24.14-15, 25.4, Jeremiah 22.13-30). No dependant relationships, no begging.
But we know that people tend to rise to big expectations. I remember my drama teacher telling me off for sulking when my ideas were rejected by my group. He said, ‘I’m paying you a compliment. You’re too good to waste your input sulking.’ He also once told me, ‘If you don’t take a good speaking part in the next play, I’ll rip your head off.’ He was a big 60-something Marxist from Dudley. And he made me believe I was good at theatre.
God’s plan is to achieve reconciliation across social divides (Isaiah 11.1-9). Therefore, the poor are to be included in our communal life, particularly in celebrations (Esther 9.22, Luke 14.12-24). In church, they are to be treated no better or worse than the rich (James 2.1-9). Have a look round the room the next time you’re hanging out with friends. Are the poor there? Did they get an invite? Why not? They may be a perfectly natural reason. There may not. ‘They’d be awkward’ is not a good reason. To clarify: being poor doesn’t entitle you to special treatment (I don’t think the Bible sponsors reverse discrimination). It entitles you to equal treatment.
If all people are really equal, even the poor, then we:
We must keep people accountable for their behaviour.
We must tell the poor the same good news we would anyone else: we need to turn away from our slavery to sin, and ask Jesus to help us, so we can know him.
We should ask big things of the poor to stretch them and unlock their potential.
We should not try and ‘help out’ the poor, but seek their friendship and work together with them.
Friday, 7 May 2010
Episode II: A quick survey
Here's three ideas I noticed constantly coming up. Each has some pretty heavy implications for our response.
- God carries out justice on behalf of the poor
- The poor are fundamentally equal to all other people
- God expects his people to be compassionate to the poor
Warning: the following contains a serious amount of Bible text references. I don't like them either, but some of the things I noticed are quite startling and you'll probably want to check out what I've said.
1st bit: JUSTICE
- economic injustice (Isaiah 3.13-15),
corruption/prejudice in the judiciary & government (Isaiah 10.2, Amos 5.12-15), - dodgy business practices & power building (Amos 8.4-6),
- stealing from charity (John 12.6),
- business efficiency causing them harm (Exodus 23, Leviticus 19, 23),
- giving false testimony (Exodus 23.2),
- abuse of labour (Jeremiah 22.13-30),
- devising evil against individuals (Isaiah 32.7),
- favouring the rich(James 2.1-13)...
- We can expectantly pray for God to both punish oppressors and help the poor right here and now.
- We must pay close attention to every aspect of our lives to ensure we aren't oppressing people.
- It's not our job to punish oppressors ourselves.
What do you think?
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
The question of the poor
I watched a child die. A little boy, maybe two years old, curled up on the edge of a hospital bed. His parents watched too. The clock ticked. There was nothing they could do. There was nothing to say. They would never get to know their son: never know his favourite food, hear him tell jokes, see him fall in love. He just dropped into a coma and died.
in the smoking Beirut rubble
*I wonder if, as idolatry is the opposite of the greatest commandment, 'Love God', accepting poverty is the opposite of the second, 'Love your neighbour' (Mark 12.28-34).