I love the West Wing. It's taken me a while to find it, but it might be my favourite TV show ever. (I just looked at my facebook profile and realised there's nothing else that's not a comedy!) This afternoon, I watched President Bartlett tell his daughter, 'the only thing you ever had to do to make me happy was come home at the end of the day', and my eyes shed water.
I think I've worked out what's so great about the show. It's about good old fashioned heroism. Being there for your friends, fighting for what's true and just, whatever crap gets thrown at you. But it grounds those stories in a modern western reality we understand, so we get it. It means more to me to see a big shot lawyer walk out of his board meeting to join a political campaign than to see some ancient fishermen drop nets and go on tour with a rabbi - though it's the same story.
I tell you what. I hope it's my story. I hope my story is all about a guy who left his ego and security for dead to go on an impossible adventure that matters. I hope it's as good as the West Wing.
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